Posted on: 3 Dec 2018
Our Cradle.
Simon McDermott in collaboration with S. Group today announces his debut development, Our Cradle. The boutique accommodation development, offering 62 rooms, will be nestled discreetly on the doorstep of the Cradle Mountain National Park.

Our Cradle welcomes visitors into the heart of the World Heritage Area and offers an intimate view of Tasmania’s crowning jewel, Cradle Mountain. With state-of-the-art, architecturally designed accommodation suites, private walking tracks around the property and stargazing facilities, this development will set a new standard for luxury accommodation in Tasmania.
“It has been invaluable for me to have partnered with S. Group for this development, especially being my first,” Simon said, “Given the scale of the project and the delicate nature of the area, their support and strategic vision have been instrumental.”

Simon McDermott, a Tasmanian through and through, says, “As Tasmanians, we have an enormous sense of pride in Cradle Mountain. It’s one of those iconic points that we turn to for a sense of identity.”
He continues, “Loving Cradle Mountain, loving that view, it’s just in our blood. We want to share that unique view and the feeling of being Tasmanian with everyone who stays at our accommodation.”
The experience at Our Cradle should offer just that, as it will be perfectly situated to capture a full view of Cradle Mountain currently unrivalled by that of existing accommodation.

Tara Howell, Director of S. Group, says, “S. Group’s brand, marketing and architecture offering has given the Our Cradle development a unique competitive edge,” she continues, “We’ve taken a holistic approach to the project in terms of creating unity between the design, brand and marketing strategy.”
Sam Haberle, S. Group Director, adds, “Architecturally, Our Cradle draws on the brand’s essence: Tasmania. It does not simply strive to provide luxury, although it does this. At its core, it brings Tasmania to the guest. Being able to offer this kind of strategic integration between the architecture, brand and marketing is what sets S. Group apart as a completely unique creative firm.”
Completion of the development is expected in 2020.