Case study
Devonport Christian School education project.
S. has enjoyed a close and rewarding working relationship with Devonport Christian School since 2014.
Originally approached to assist and guide the school through a master plan process, we worked with the school management, board and community to develop a multi-year strategic plan incorporating growth strategies, staged capital works, and financial modelling to accompany.
Commencing with an extension and refurbishment of the administration building in 2015, we have since continued to work with the school on projects such as the new entry, car park, and ‘kiss and drop’; the JILOA Centre (Multi-Purpose), and under construction now - a new STEM Centre (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths)
Overall to-date, successful completion of $3.5M of capital works across the 6 years, supporting the school in their mission to “develop students through high quality, holistic primary education in a Christ-centred school community.”

We applaud DCS on their vision, are excited to see how far the school has come over the past half dozen years, and look forward to continuing to work with them in the years to come!