create wonder.

Abigail Leamon


Meet Abi, our resident writing dynamo, who happens to double as a coffee aficionado (here come some long coffee machine chats with Tim).

Abi joins us with an impressive hospo resume. She honed her skills in wineries, where she mastered the art of the perfect pour. Since then, she has transferred her skills from the hustle and bustle of the Pressing Matters winery, where she was the Cellar Door and Marketing Manager, to team S. Group, where she's had to trade the pinot noir for a Boag's red can.

During her years in hospitality, Abi also studied at RMIT in Melbourne, where she earned her Bachelor of Creative Writing in 2021. Since graduating, she has moved from her home in Melbourne to beautiful Tasmania and hasn't looked back since!

When Abi isn't working her writing magic, you'll find her embracing Tassie's great outdoors. She loves hiking, walking, and swimming in rivers and the sea. A true crafty soul, one of her hobbies is hand-making things - she even once aspired to be a professional jeweller! Though that dream didn't quite work out, she found her calling in writing.

A fun tidbit about Abi: She has a photographic memory for book quotes, remembering exactly where they appear on the page. Unfortunately, this talent never translated to a maths textbook (luckily we weren't hiring in our account department then, hey, Abi?).

On the 'nice human' scale, Abi gives Matty a run for his money, but there's one thing she absolutely can't stand: ugly, functional objects. She believes in beautifying wherever possible. Oh, and don't even get her started on people who can't walk at a reasonable pace or in a straight line on the footpath - noted!

Abi's blend of creativity, marketing experience, and a dash of old-world charm make her the perfect blend for our team (yep, that was a wine pun).

Qualifications + Experience

Bachelor of Creative Writing

— RMIT University

Let's work together...

Interested in how we can help your next project be next level wonderful? Whether you’re looking at building your dream home (or renovating your existing one), have a business development in mind, or you’re in need of some help with brand and marketing (and all that this encompasses), let’s talk about how we can work together to create some magic!

Let's get coffee